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Command line

Polyphone can be run with a command line to convert soundfonts in the format sf2, sf3 or sfz.

Supported file formats for the conversion are sf2, sf3, sfz and sfArk.

Conversion to sf2

Command line

polyphone -1 -i <file/to/convert> -d <output/directory> -o <output_file_name>

Note: with Windows you need to write the full path of Polyphone instead of just polyphone, which is for example C:/Program files/Polyphone/polyphone.exe.


Mode “1” is “convert to sf2”.
Output directory in which the input file will be converted. This argument is optional, by default this is the same directory than the input file.
Output name of the converted file without the extension (the extension “.sf2” will be automatically added). This argument is optional, by default this is the same name than the input file.


polyphone -1 -i /path/to/file.sfArk

Conversion to sf3

Command line

polyphone -2 -i <file/to/convert> -d <output/directory> -o <output_file_name> -c <configuration>

Note: with Windows you need to write the full path of Polyphone instead of just polyphone, which is for example C:/Program files/Polyphone/polyphone.exe.


Mode “2” is “convert to sf3”.
Output directory in which the input file will be converted. This argument is optional, by default this is the same directory than the input file.
Output name of the converted file without the extension (the extension “.sf3” will be automatically added). This argument is optional, by default this is the same name than the input file.
Conversion configuration. It is possible to specify the compression quality: “0” is low, “1” is medium, “2” is high. This argument is optional, by default this is “1” (medium quality).


polyphone -2 -i /path/to/file.sf2 -c 2

Conversion to sfz

Command line

polyphone -3 -i <file/to/convert> -d <output/directory> -o <output_file_name> -c <configuration>

Note: with Windows you need to write the full path of Polyphone instead of just polyphone, which is for example C:/Program files/Polyphone/polyphone.exe.


Mode “3” is “convert to sfz”.
Output directory in which the input file will be converted. This argument is optional, by default this is the same directory than the input file.
Output name of the converted file without the extension (the extension “.sfz” will be automatically added). This argument is optional, by default this is the same name than the input file.
Conversion configuration made of 3 characters. The first character is “1” if each preset must be prefixed by its preset number, “0” otherwise. The second character is “1” if a directory per bank must be created, “0” otherwise. The third character is “1” if the General MIDI classification must be used to sort presets, “0” otherwise. This argument is optional, by default this is “000”.


polyphone -3 -i /path/to/file.sf3 -c 011
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