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Want to remove release from instrument

Category: Help
  • Ca 2 0
    Message from Candhfan621 on
    I am editing the soundfont I am using so it sounds more like the game i ripped it from, which doesn't use release for every instrument, how do I remove release from an instrument.
  • Message from Candhfan621 on
    Never mind, I figured it out: just set klab(0.899401 -0.00192499 -0.00481987)">"Vol env release (s)" to 0 (or as low as you can).
  • 417 0
    Message from Davy on
    Exactly! You discovered the "R" (like release) of the ADSR envelop which is a very common notion when playing a sound (music)

    This page describes the different parameters in Polyphone.

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