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Automatic portamento when overlap

Category: Help
  • Mi 11 0
    Message from MigmaPlay on

    I would like to know if it is possible to create a portamento that is triggered by overlapping two notes. If not, is there an alternative?

    Many thanks!
  • CS 73 0
    Message from csw900 on
    I do not think that .sf2 can do portamento. However you may be able to use pitch bend to achieve a similar erffect in your synth whilst playing.

  • Mi 11 0
    Message from MigmaPlay on
    For portamento, I first use MIDI CC65 to turn on Portamento and then use CC5 to set the amount of Portamento. But this proceed is very laborious and time consuming, so I thought about a more simple alternative. Using the pitch bend, would that be easier?

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