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Using Qt Creator to build Polyphone

Use these instructions to know how to build Polyphone with Qt Creator. It is assumed you already have on your computer Qt Creator installed with the Qt framework, a compiler and the necessary dependencies to build Polyphone (see related pages for this).


The following elements are required:

  • a C++ compiler (VC++, Clang, GCC, …),
  • Qt Creator with its framework,
  • Polyphone dependencies.

The instructions for installing them are dependent on the OS you are using, see the related documentation pages for this.

Build Polyphone

Copy the sources

Get Polyphone sources from here  or from GitHub .

Open and configure the project

First, open the file and edit it to possibly use the distributed versions for rtaudio, rtmidi and stk if your OS doesn't provide them. Uncomment the following lines by removing the leading ‘#’:


You can skip these modifications if you want to use libraries already installed in your computer (make sure you have them!).

Start Qt Creator and open the file

Open Qt Creator
Open Qt Creator

Then configure the project.

Configure project
Configure project

Run qmake and build the project

Go in the menu Build and choose the item Run qmake.

Run qmake
Run qmake

qmake run is finished when the proceeding bar on the bottom right corner has reached the 100% green.

qmake finished
qmake finished

In the section Project in the left column, then in the section Build&Run, select the build configuration (Release is preferred).

Finally, click on the action Build project Polyphone in the menu Build. During the project build you should see warnings but no errors.

Now you should have the executable polyphone either in the RELEASE or DEBUG subfolder of the source code, depending on your choice in QtCreator build configuration.


See this topic if you need more information or for getting some help.

Special thanks to Tomotello for this article.

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