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Soundfonts LUFS calibrating

Category: Help
  • 6 0
    Message from Samy.G on
    Hello community,
    I just have a question about the samples used to create soundfonts.
    At what level should I calibrate the volume of samples individually before importing them into polyphone (easier to perform on my DAW)?
    For example, I have a pad sound sampled on fifths. if i play a note with this sample i reach a certain level in db. But if I play several notes this level increases (it's normal).
    So I can not normalize the samples to 0 db otherwise the sound will directly distortion when I play several notes.
    What level of departure should I then consider for a normal volume ie as if the sound came out of a synth?
    I work in level LUFS -23, -20, -18 or -13 as on Youtube?
    Thank you for your information
  • WF 9 0
    Message from Wanda Fish on 1
    I guess this post actually gives hints on polyphony/calibration.

    Btw: yes, your post was earlier and probably even more aplty tlitled.
    Maybe because LUFS is not the most commonly known acronym
    [loudness units relative to full scale] nobody replied. Well, I did, now B)

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