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YG's HyperSound font

A original soundfont made with nostalgia in mind, sounding like an old sound chip. It incorporates samples taken from a wide range of sources, including:
* Android (Sonivox EAS)
* RIM 8100
* Nokia 3510
* Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth (some samples are also shortened)
* LG C365
* Motokey China
* Yamaha YM2612
* MTK6276
* Scratch (version 2.0 to be exact)
* Super Mario World

(The clarinet sample is taken from Scratch, credit goes to the Scratch Team . All other samples are from soundfonts made my CФИP Et SEPOHЖ (or whatever his name is) and published here on Polyphone, so most of the credit goes to him. Thanks a lot! )

This soundfont makes use of only 61 different samples (and they're all quite low-quality) as well as 66 instruments (not counting the drumset instrument) mapped across the 128 General MIDI-compatible melodic instrument patches (additional ones beyond bank 0 not supported). Roland GS-compatible drumsets are also supported, but they all sound the same, and use only 4 different samples. Overall, this soundfont is extremely lightweight, at just 1.33 MB!

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Shared by YG
Update date
License give credit
Sample source
MIDI standard


HyperSound.sf2 (, 1.4 MB)

The original version of HyperSound (1.0).

HyperSound 1.1.sf2 (, 1.4 MB)

A minor upgrade. The orchestral drumset was improved, and the SFX kit was added.

HyperSound 1.11.sf2 (, 1.4 MB)

Fixed a minor issue where the SFX kit was aligned to preset 128:064 rather than 128:056 where it's supposed to be. My bad!


  • YG
    Comment from YG on
    Guys, I'm working on an extended version of this soundfont, which supports Roland GS! The number of melodic patches (aka presets) will be increased to 226.
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