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All-Around Violin



Author name Unknown
Update date
License public domain
Sample source


aaviolin.sf2 (, 50.58 MB)


  • KE
    Comment from KEIJIKEIJI on
    Thank you very much.Thank you very much!
  • OO
    Comment from ouch ouchers on
  • YO
    Comment from yutaka oyama on
    I was looking for. Thank you very much.I was looking for. Thank you very much.
  • AC
    Comment from Annie Cao on
    Looking for the violin soundfont. Thanks.
  • YL
    Comment from yourmom lover on
    Don't have an account? Here:
    username: yourmomlover42069
    password: rekt123123
  • JI
    Comment from jinma99 on
    Very shocking, tempting and precise violin. Thank you for sharing.
  • PG
    Comment from Petros Glytsos on
    Well done!
  • DI
    Comment from dimas on
    woow i want this sound...
  • SJ
    Comment from Shane J on
    This is really a beautiful sounding instrument.  Thank you!
  • Comment from Klaus Jupitz on
    I loved it. And used it. Finally I I've deleted it. For the file information section says nothing about author or original source. Now it's seducing me again. - What now...? Who's its author? And is it REALLY freeware?
  • Comment from Davy on
    The license and the authors are unfortunately not always known in soundfonts. I made some search regarding the All-Around Violin but I found no information. This seems to be confirmed here for example:
    If someone claims this soundfont I will consider adding at least a copyright and an author. For now it is considered as pertaining to the public domain and you can do anything with it.
  • Comment from Klaus Jupitz on
    What I don't understand is why no one complains. Its sound is unique among the "free" sf2 out there; it's of incredible high quality for being "free". The same with the KBH (real) choir, and the "Good Flute". No author, no source, just copied from one place (or bank) to another. If I was the author of such HQ sf2, I would at least make it [my name] known.

    By the way, thanks for the link!!!
  • Comment from Davy on
    I completely agree with you. Quality soundfonts are sometimes made by non professional people that just don't care about fame / money and the origins are lost...
  • Comment from Reuben on
    This violin is absolutely the best I've heard.  Very expressive with three velocity levels and even has release effects.
    Only one suggestion. I have changed the velocity levels where the loudest X samples kick in from 123 down to 117 because it was difficult to reach them at the former level.  Other minor changes are to attenuate the Forte samples by 7 (so they don't jump in too obviously) and I have extended the key range from 55 down to 48.  I know the last change is controversial because a violin can't naturally play that low but its just handy being able to go down to the C rather than being limited to the G.  To my ears theses are just a slight improvement on what was already a great violin.
    You will find that the first preset is all you really need and I have deleted all the others in my version just to keep it simple.
    Many thanks for posting this splendid instrument.
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