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Version 2.0

Polyphone has been deeply reworked for the major version 2.0 and is now connected directly to the online soundfont repository.

What is new

New software design

The interface was aging and you will now discover a new design with a new set of icons, most of them coming from the Awesome project.

The tree has been completely reworked. It displays data faster and provide other features such as the duplication of elements or the fast creation of instruments / presets with a drag & drop.

Access to the soundfont repository

All soundfonts from the online repository are accessible directly within Polyphone for Premium users. And for everyone, the randomly chosen "daily soundfonts" are freely shared.

Possibility to mute divisions

For testing purposes, it is possible to mute a division or mute all divisions but one in the tables.

Tool for creating chords

Based on an instrument, this tool allows you to create all possible chords. This could be interesting for example for the creation of a choir or pads.


German and Danish translations have been added. Please note that due to a lot of changes, only those translations are for now completed: Danish (thank you Chris!) and French.

What has been improved

SFZ import

Polyphone can now process the keywords "control", "include", "default_path", "global", "group_label" and "define" when importing sfz files.

Overview pages

Sorting rows is now done in a better way and the sample rate is displayed for the samples.

Editing preset and bank numbers

These operations can be done even on a multiple selection.

What has been fixed

Loading soundfonts

It is now faster and big soundfonts (> 2 Go) shouldn't be a problem anymore.

24-bit samples

Bug fixed when saving or loading 24-bit samples.

Polyphone needs you!

Polyphone is free but there are costs associated with its website and development. A small donation will help a lot.

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