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Category: Your creations
  • BO 301 14
    Message from bottrop on
    i converted the VSCO2.sfz to .sf2. 1.9 Gb, pick it up here;…Hf7/view?usp=sharing 

    there is still a lot of work to do, but it is stereo and i dont believe in stereo instruments so i am not going to waste my time on stereo samples, i rather waste my time on making a nice mono .sf2 for myself.
    for the licence see; 
    pick it up quickly, as soon as i need de space on Drive i will delete it.
    regards bottrop
  • Message from bottrop on
    VSCO2.sfz as sf2. nothing is changed, except the roundrobins of the ensembles play all together now. 1.6 Gb, (stereo, for the believers). woodwinds, brass, string sections, a solo violin and a handful of chromatic percussive instruments. pick it up here;…aCZtUIlrsRgfh-/view? 

    when its no longer there, it is no longer there.
  • CS 73 0
    Message from csw900 on
    A very useful source of samples. I have downloaded both the .sfz and .sf2 versions. Both have their uses.

    Regarding your .sf2, why no loops? Is this part of the work to do. I thought at first you had found a way to play a continuous note without using a loop but I was wrong. I also note that the samples still have their releases. These could be used in the .sf2 sound font.

    Regarding the .sfz why do sfz people always recommend Sfzorzando to play their fonts. In my opinion it is pretty useless because it can load only one instrument at a time. In fact I have not yet found ANY decent program which can play .sfz fonts - I do not understand why people bother so much about this format. It is also very inefficient at using disk space and slow loading compared to .sf2

  • BO 301 14
    Message from bottrop on
    no loops because i dont waste my time on stereo samples. i never heard an instrument that produces different sounds for the left and the right ear (except for headphones). i take what i can use and make mono instruments for myself. sometimes i play SFZs to find out if there is something interesting in it, but i always play SF2s through VirtualMidiSynth (Coolsoft)
    as far as i know every DAW can play SFZ files, i use an ancient version of Cakewalk and it can.

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