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mouse drift during click duplicates all zones

  • SC 69 0
    If I click on an instrument or preset from the list on the left and my mouse drifts a few pixels before release (which often happens when I'm quickly editing a lot of instruments), all of the zones in that instrument become duplicated with no option to cancel.

    Steps to reproduce:
    1. Click on an instrument or preset with the mouse drifting a few pixels between mouse click and release.

    Result: A dialog pops up that says "Global parameters are already filled. The global division will not be copied." After clicking "Ok", all of the zones in the instrument are duplicated except for the global zone. If a user had previously clicked "Ok, disable this message" on this dialog, they might have no idea that they have just duplicated the instrument or preset's zones.

    Expected result: When doing quick editing work, it is common for a mouse click and release to happen while the pointer still has a bit of motion. To filter out these types of clicks, a little bit of time should elapse after the mouse click before a drag event is registered.
  • 424 1
    Message from Davy on 1
    It's fixed (for next release) : drag & drop occurring in less that 150 ms are ignored.

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