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General program instability

  • MS 6 0
    Message from mscott on
    I was able to download v1.9
    I found it to be very unstable, PC would either lock up, or grind to a halt with a mouse in slow motion or very jittery.
    CTRL-ALT-DEL would not bring up task window to stop the process.
    play a chord would freeze the system completely, having to hard boot to get out of it.
    running: XP SP3 2.5gb, nvidia 512mb video, 2g cpu, 2x 500gb sata hd's.
  • 70 0
    Message from Sylvia on
    To help you fix your issue with polyphone, I need to ask some questions.

    1. How much RAM do you have on this computer?
    2. How old is the computer? Did it come with Windows XP?

    General tips to fix programs:

    Reinstall the program.
    Try running the task manager before polyphone, and see what polyphone is using. If polyphone is using most of the system's RAM, you'll need to upgrade the computer's RAM. If it uses most of your CPU, you'll need to upgrade your CPU.
  • MS 6 0
    Message from mscott on
    I have tried version 1.8 also, its just as unstable.
    i have reinstalled program prior to trying 1.8 also reinstalled soundcard drivers.
    Vienna soundfont studio 2.4 plays all days with out a hitch???
    Acid pro 7.0 no problem, Adobe audition 3 no problem, premiere elements no problem (adobe is some serious bloatware and all that runs fine. even daz studio 4.8
    If i have to upgrade the CPU, it wont be for quite a long time as that means shelling out for an entirely new PC.
  • 424 1
    Message from Davy on 1
    Have you tried to change the audio back end and the buffer size? This might come from this…settings#doc_general
  • MS 6 0
    Message from mscott on
    Thanks, I tried that. I'm using the sound cards audio out/midi with buffer at 1024 it has improved slightly. still isn't very usable.
    there is a large delay from pressing keys and hearing any sound. Also program seems to be in omni on mode.
  • WD 1 0
    Message from Ward Darcey on 1
    OK - Just tried this on a XP system dual processors, Crteative Live 5.1, 1 gig ram, this system runs great all day no hitches. However Polyphone locks it up completely in about 1 minute, the mouse cursor grinds to a halt, & I can't even quit & restart. The program seems to have a serious memory leak, but I can't give you any clues as to what's happening, Windows becomes incapacitated & will not even display system recources when I start polyphone. To get out of this I have to crash the system. And - the soundfont I tried to edit was only 3 meg.

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