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"Loading" dialog opens due to QT 5.5 bug

  • JI 9 0
    Message from jimbo1qaz on 1
    I'm using Ubuntu 16.04, QT 5.5.1. Both Musescore and Polyphone open a "Loading..." dialog for no reason shortly after application startup.

    I found the Musescore bug entry, which listed a workaround commit.…1981c5dc530d349ffd14 

    Reading the comments of QTBUG-47042, each QProgressDialog object will automatically display after being constructed (…panel#comment-301657 ). It was intended to be created and destroyed once per operation. You need to either create it during operations, or call ->reset() after creating.

    Interestingly enough, loading/saving big soundfonts on Windows 1.7 take a long time, but don't produce a dialog...
  • 424 1
    Message from Davy on
    Thank you for the link => the problem of the progress dialog will be fixed in the next version.
    It will also be displayed for the opening of a soundfont.

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