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how to add percussion?

Category: Help
  • PA 3 0
    Message from paucloned on
    With inspiration from the downloaded soundfonts i had, I tried making a soundfont and made the droms like that, but the soundfont recognises it as a melodic instrument. why is that?
  • ZI 190 0
    Message from ziyametedemircan on 1
    I won't go into further details as too many questions and answers would be necessary; short answer: use Bank 128.
  • PA 3 0
    Message from paucloned on
    what is bank 128 btw
    edit: nvm
  • BO 283 13
    Message from bottrop on
    see attachment
  • PA 3 0
    Message from paucloned on
    also for some reason the percussion is pitched down a ton
  • BO 283 13
    Message from bottrop on
    select your drum Instrument
    Scale tuning 0 (zero)

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