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Adjusting volumes on drumkit sound font

Category: Help
  • ER 17 0
    Message from eric rollnick on
    I created a drum kit soundfont using my own wave files for samples. I would like to adjust the volume on some of the cymbals in the preset which seem to loud compared to the other drum sounds. Can I do this by adjusting the individual sample volume in the sample section or do I need to use one of the parameter settings like attenuation in the instrument or preset sections? Also Is there an explanation of all the different parameter settings to be found somewhere?
  • BO 301 14
    Message from bottrop on
    easiest to use the Attenuation setting in the Instrument pane, then you can compare the volume to adjacent samples.
    most of the Instrument and Preset settings stem from the time when soundfonts worked with waveforms containing one single cycle (like synthesizers) to give the sound something natural.
    use Preset settings as few as possible.
    regards bottrop

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