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Quickly setting root keys

Category: Help
  • CF 3 0
    Message from Chesney Freeman on
    So im having an issue, im using FL Studio's built-in sample export to create custom soundfonts for easy acess
    A small problem with it is that i have to manually set the root key to the sample root key (which is provided automatically when making the instrument)
    Is there a faster way to do this?
  • BO 283 13
    Message from bottrop on 1
    i would say that that is a FL Studio issue, if i understand you right.
    regards bottrop
    in Polyphone you can auto detect rootkeys in the Sample view (select the sample, look bottom left)
  • CF 3 0
    Message from Chesney Freeman on
    Im afraid this isnt the case for these sf2's. Some of the samples are random noises without tuning, even when there is tuning, your method sets the sample root key, not the instrument root key. Sorry.
    A better way to rephrase this is how to set the instrument root key to the sample root key without manually typing everything in.
    It should also be mentioned that every single note is its own sample, so im dealing with up to 30 or 40 samples for a single instrument
  • BO 283 13
    Message from bottrop on 1
    "noises without tuning, even when there is tuning"
    "instrument root key ".
    i have no idea what you are talking about.
  • CF 3 0
    Message from Chesney Freeman on
    Sorry, i guess i was too vauge
    Maybe some images will help.
    How do i go from this:
    To this:
    Without having to manually type all of those numbers in
    (for refrence there are about 40 samples, each with 2 channels, making me have to type in 80 numbers manually)
  • BO 283 13
    Message from bottrop on 1
    1 New soundfont
    2 rightclick Sample folder> New Samples> pick up your samples
    3 select samples one by one and let Polyphone detect the rootkey (bottom left)
    4 New Instrument
    5 select all samples and Bind to... your Instrument
    6 Tools> Instrument> Automatic Distribution
    7 select your Instrument, set about 2 or 3 milliseconds Volume Envelope Attack and 1 second Release to start with.
    8 select your Instrument> New Preset> OK

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