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How to create a new soundbank (i. e. 001:000)

Category: Help
  • MJ 2 0
    Message from Master J on
    I would like to make new sound-bank, so presets of a certain category can be organized more properly. How can I accomplish this? I cannot seem to find a way to get out of 000xx without creating a 000:127, which I do not have enough instruments for.
    Thank you kindly in advance!
  • BO 283 13
    Message from bottrop on
    i cant see the problem; just create your New Preset for bank 001 and assign banknumber 1 to that Preset.
    regards bottrop
  • MJ 2 0
    Message from Master J on
    Perhaps I did not phrase the question correctly:
    I do not understand how to declare a new bank 001, so that I can add presets to it. I have only used bank 000, since that is the default bank.
    Thank you kindly for your help.
  • BO 283 13
    Message from bottrop on
    there is no need to declare a Bank 001.
    you just select the Preset you want in Bank 001 and change the Bank number in the upper left corner (in my version 1.9) into 1.

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