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Popping at the end of soundfonts

Category: Help
  • Es 1 0
    Message from Esomres on
    I have been having a problem with a pop at the end of my sound font. When ever I port it to my MIDI editor, it gets a pop right at the end, and it ruins any song I try to put it in. How can I deal with this? (Soundfont in question attached)
  • BO 292 13
    Message from bottrop on
    that popping sound is recorded in the sample, it remains when you paste a silence before and after it.
    there are loop settings in the sample, is it supposed to loop?
    you can get a decent sound from one sample only at about 2-3 keys up and down the rootkey.
  • Message from bottrop on
    try the Verraa preset in this sf2.
    i split your sample, so you will have to write 2 notes for the same effect (up and down middleC), but it will be easier to adjust to a changeing tempo.

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