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Question about sample name suffixes being the same

Category: Help
  • 2 0
    Message from Wonkatoad on

    Is it possible to add more information to a sample name's suffix along with the root key? - preferably, velocity.

    Currently if multiple samples occupy the same key range, but different velocity ranges, the sample names will all be identical, making it difficult to distinguish between them. Is it possible to use the bulk rename feature without ending up with so many samples with the same name?

    That way, for example, instead of having several samples named,
    Sample 060
    Sample 060
    Sample 060

    - they would be named,
    Sample 060 32
    Sample 060 64
    Sample 060 127

    The second number reflecting their velocity.

    Is this possible in the current version of Polyphone?
  • 424 1
    Message from Davy on
    Good suggestion, this will be another option of the bulk rename tool: 

    The current version being stable, this will be done in the next one (making a version needs some time).
  • Message from Davy on
    I'm reviewing the tickets and this one doesn't seem to be possible since at the sample level there is nothing specifying a velocity. We cannot add the velocity as suffix...

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