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Use of MIDI CC in soundfonts?

Category: Feature requests
  • CW 1 0
    Message from Chris Wilkinson on
    Hi all, I have a large library of drum samples that I will attempt to convert to a nice soundfont using Polyphone, something along the lines of the Ken Ardency soundfont, for use playing live via a DIY edrum kit I have built. For hihat there are samples for multiple pedal positions. In commercial software such as BFD2 or BFD3, MIDI CC #4 is used to convey pedal position - for BFD2 with a couple of the included hihats there are 5 sample groups representing hihat 100% open, 75% open, 50% open, 25% open, and closed pedal positions. All triggering is done on note 42, but the CC#4 value tells BFD2 which group to play according to the position (I use a Roland FD-8 pedal). BFD2 also uses fairly clever cross-fading with adjustable x-points and velocity curves among other tricks to make the hihat sound quite good, it even emulates the foot "chic" sound by watching the pedal position and rate it is being pressed down.

    Would it be possible to use MIDI CC to control which group of samples to play if each group is assigned the same note?


    Chris W, New Zealand.
  • 424 1
    Message from Davy on
    Your request is a bit similar to this one:…-muting-an-oscilator

    A sample is currently triggered when a key is pressed, if the key and velocity match with the key and velocity ranges specified in the divisions triggering the sample. You would like to add an extra condition linked to the position of a pedal and this is unfortunately not possible with the current version of the soundfont format.

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