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Select 100 Samples, Drag+Drop, get 100 Instruments

Category: Feature requests
  • 37 9
    Message from tahutoa on
    I've ripped some samples from a PS1 game. Problem is, there are 301 of them. Is there anyway to, for multiple samples at once, simultaneously create a new instrument and automatically bind the sample to it? Even better if the same tool applies for presets.

    Like, I seriously do not want to click "New Instrument" then "Bind Sample To" 301 times (and then have to do the same thing for presets).

    Multiple ways of implementing this (all of which I tried):
    After selecting all the samples you wanted, you could
    1. Hover them onto the New Instrument button, up in the HUD;
    2. Hover them onto the "Instruments" tree
    THEN, after that, the program would automatically make a bunch of instruments at once, naming each one after its respective sample by default.

    Ideally this same tool would apply to Presets, as well. The graphics already react to having you drag stuff onto them (as the screenshot shows), and there's a similar process already in place (dragging many samples onto one instrument), so it may be a question of retooling the "adding multiple samples to one instrument" scripts, I don't know.

    A work-around would be to add an option to create more than one instrument/preset at a time, with the name you type in being repeated the same way Windows Explorer does it. If you type "BigLump" into the prompt, a bunch of instruments show up: "BigLump (1)," "BigLump (2)," etc.
  • 424 1
    Message from Davy on 1
    This is a nice idea indeed. I propose to implement it this way:
    • select multiple samples,
    • drag them over the "instruments" node
    • a dialog will pop to display those options:
      • create an instrument containing all selected samples
      • create an instrument per sample
      • cancel the operation.

    The same can be done with instruments when dropping them on the node "presets".
    It's on the list for the next version: 
  • 37 9
    Message from tahutoa on
    Davy on -
    This is a nice idea indeed. I propose to implement it this way:
    • select multiple samples,
    • drag them over the "instruments" node
    • a dialog will pop to display those options:
      • create an instrument containing all selected samples
      • create an instrument per sample
      • cancel the operation.

    The same can be done with instruments when dropping them on the node "presets".
    It's on the list for the next version: 
    Yesss, radical. Thank you, this'll be a stupendous addition
  • Message from tahutoa on
    I've been using 2.0.1 to edit that big sf2 (I redownloaded it from the source; the issue was that it was a good few thousand kb larger after I made those edits), and I tried the methods you listed in your reply, but it didn't work. Do I have to switch this feature on, somehow, or did it just not get implemented yet?
  • 424 1
    Message from Davy on 1
    This feature is working according to my tests. I used several soundfonts and it was working every time. I can suggest you try first with a "normal" soundfont to see yourself. The problem of the "big" soundfont might be somewhere else.
  • 37 9
    Message from tahutoa on
    Sorry, I was trying to do it by dragging it over to the toolbar icon rather than the tree.
    Which reminds me: seeing how dragging samples from one instrument to another copies over all the data, I think it would be interesting to be able to drag samples from an instrument back on to the instrument tree, have it create the new instruments for each as usual, but still copy over the data.
  • 424 1
    Message from Davy on
  • CO 4 0
    Message from covfefe on
    more quicky soundfont creation:
    can we: select a folder of samples, and in one operation make a soundfont with 1-per-key(midi note#) keymapping?
    this exists in Awave and is very useful. i think Awave also does 1-sample-per-instrument automatically as well.

    i find the 'traditional' soundfont creation programs such as Vienna (and VieNa) quite laborious, for that interface.
    having to import 1 sample at a time - i would like drag'n'drop eg: look at Vosyr for the volca Sample, very easy, and so is it to move them around after import. (i should familiarise mysef more with Polyphone UI+functions tbh)

    Battery also had this type of interface. and it would be nice to apply this to velocity layers as well - everything drag'n'drop, and may require different views.

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