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Loop +end: can it be time dependent?

Category: Feature requests
  • 18 0
    Message from ChokDK on
    I'm looking much forward to test the loop+end stuff out very soon at my keyboard.
    Meanwhile I think of the possibility to make the "end" muted if the loop is eg. played for a shorter time than 0.9 seconds?

    What I mean:
    Let's say a guitar - it sounds amazing with the right amount of "end" samples, but if you play a series of fast notes it might become a bit annoying.
    So if it was possible to "adjust" when the "end" sample was allowed to play it would be another great thing!

    Regards and thank you so far for all your work!
  • 424 1
    Message from Davy on 1
    The current sf2 format doesn't allow us to chose which end will be played depending on other parameters. The current way to do is to allow the end of the sample to be played if this is a part of interest, associated with a short release time. The release time defines how quickly the sound is muted after the release of the key, and if the key is released before the envelop reaches the highest level (sustain), the release will begin with a lower initial state.

    There is room for improvements regarding the sf2 format. Maybe one day this will be one of them.
  • 18 0
    Message from ChokDK on
    Okay, I see..
    I am really impressed that you made the +end work, so for now that is a big improvement already.

    Were still allowed to dream though...


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