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Name change

Category: Coffee break
  • FM 1 0
    Message from Fred McMurray on
    It seems unwise to so closely match the name of your software with the software called Polyphontics, which has existed for 20 years already. Sure, it's not "the same", but I'd imagine Adobe would have a problem with someone naming their app Photoshoop. It also sounds like a cheap ploy to piggyback on their existing notoriety. I'm surprised they haven't complained to you yet. Just my two cents.
  • ZI 190 0
    Message from ziyametedemircan on 1
    I don't think the names of these two software can be confused.

    Moreover, while there is software with a name that can be confused, like Vienna and Viena (Creative never complained about it).

    However, Polyphone is a very beautiful and meaningful name.
  • 424 1
    Message from Davy on
    Hi Fred,

    Choosing a name is hard and cannot be the best for everybody. My idea was to focus on a weird instrument or something that reproduce sounds, and I discovered the polyphone, a kind a gramophone but stereo. The first icon of Polyphone was based on this:…15.1&P=0&w=300&h=300 
    Using this name sounded like a good idea since a soundfont is a kind of "vintage" format that reproduce multiple sounds at a same time.

    The similitude with polyphontics is accidental and I have never thought of some kind of interactions. It's not my fault if we are too much on earth and that everybody is craving for the slightest visibility. I'm here, I have spent days to make an open source software for the world, and I hope people like it for the quality, not for the name.

    For sure I never wanted to benefit of their notoriety. I tried their software once and nothing more than once since I wasn't even able to save a single soundfont. So their notoriety, no thanks.

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