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Oops! Cannot download content

  • St 2 0
    Message de Strorebree le

    Out of all the soundfonts I've tried to download through the app, only the first one ended up working.
    Everything else gave me the error in the subject.

    Why can't I download these?
    Another problem I'm running into is that the virtual keyboard only works sometimes. Most of the time it seems it only serves to scale the main window either vertically or horizontally.
  • BO 301 14
    Message de bottrop le
    that white grand downloads without any problem on my machine
    the virtual keyboard in the latest Polyphone version only works if there is something to play (Instrument or Preset selected). 
    please dont u[load anymore .GIFs, they make me nervous
  • St 2 0
    Message de Strorebree le
    In that apparently anxiety inducing gif (ngl this is confusing me), there is indeed an instrument selected; regardless, this behavior persists.

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