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Export to Sfz no samples or silent samples.

  • Ol 13 0
    Message de OldNick le
    My steps are:
    New File
    Import samples as wav file
    check they are there and make a sound
    Create a new Instrument
    Drag Drop samples into instrument
    this gives the instrument columns for all samples
    Create new Preset
    Drag drop the Instrument to the preset
    Bind Samples to Instrument
    Bind Instrument to Preset
    Save the Sf2
    Export as Sfz

    Frequently either I get no samples in the Sfz sub-folder, or if I open them in Audacity, they are silent. Having said that, I have had success by doing the exact steps I just described, as I wrote this.

    So this is a tough question. Which of those steps, if missed would be most likely to cause either no samples, or silent samples?

    EDIT: Further to this every now and again the actual samples loaded into my work file are silent as well.When Polyphone saves, it opens to the saved file. I have lost my work.

    Appreciate any help


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