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BUG: missing sample files are not reported

  • ES 5 0
    Message de Ed Stauff le
    When opening a .sfz file, if a sample file does not exist, Polyphone silently ignores this error.

    Steps to Reproduce
    1. Edit a .sfz file and replace one or more of the sample file paths with a path to a file that doesn't exist.
    2. Open the .sfz file in Polyphone.

    Recommended Fix
    In the table of samples:
    • Include a row for every sample file referenced in the .sfz file, even if it's invalid for any reason (doesn't exist, can't be opened, bad file format, etc.).
    • Add a new column named "Status", whose cells will contain either the string "ok", or an error message such as "file not found".
    Product Version = 2.3.1
    Operating System = Windows 10.0.18362.959

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