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How to compile multiple (89) .sf2 files into a single neatly packaged .sf2 file?

Catégorie : Aide
  • SO 2 0
    Message de soleil. le
    Title says all. Sorry in advance I started doing this today. I ripped a Nintendo DS ROM using VGMTrans. I extracted the banks of each song in the OST and downloaded them as .sf2 files (pic 1).

    I am aware that the instruments are "reused" because they are samples and are not individual samples. How can I merge any of the duplicate samples in order to make them neat and organized like pic 2 
    instead of pic 3?
    (EDIT): Adding the fact that I am using FL Studio 21 on Windows 10. This may be relevant but it also may not. 

    Thank you very much for any assistance!!
  • BO 300 14
    Message de bottrop le 1
    in version 1.9 you create a NEW soundfont and name it.
    then open the no1. sf2 and drag the Preset(s) to your new sf2
    if you get a message about already existing Instruments or Samples then click Replace all.
    open the no2.sf2 and drag the Preset(s) to your new sf2...etc
    regards bottrop
  • SO 2 0
    Message de soleil. le
    bottrop, le -
    in version 1.9 you create a NEW soundfont and name it.
    then open the no1. sf2 and drag the Preset(s) to your new sf2
    if you get a message about already existing Instruments or Samples then click Replace all.
    open the no2.sf2 and drag the Preset(s) to your new sf2...etc
    regards bottrop

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