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Options For Tabs

  • SO 9 0
    Message de sound8 le
    Maybe add some options for how tabs are displayed / function

    1.) Option to show filenames in tabs instead of soundfonts internal name. Would make it easier to know what files you have open rather than having to go into the instruments main tab.

    2.) Most programs allow middle mouse button to close tabs, might be helpful.

    3.) If request above gets added, option to hide close X from tabs

    4.) If in file explorer, might be nice to be able to drag in files into the blank tab area or between two existing tabs and open them, currently can only drag a file into home tab to open them (or hit enter to open at end of tabs)

    Nothing majorly important, just some ideas.

    Quick question...
    I don't have the program in front of me at the moment, but as I am typing this I believe I might have the answer for it (but just in case I don't). Noticed an * asterisk in front of all the names in tabs that I had open the other day, what does this * mean?
    I am thinking that it means the instrument in the tab has been updated and not saved yet, but if it doesn't can someone let me know why they are there.

    Also, does anyone know, is this program still being developed?
    I ask this just because it has been a while since I have seen my little pointy shoed lute playing friend

    Thank You

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