
Darro 2017 Duduk


I have made a couple of samples of Duduk in my bedroom . It was sampled in mono in 44.1 kHz and 24bit. Some of the samples may be recorded in 16 bit depth and 44.1 Khz because I possibly may have pressed a wrong button

Darro2017Duduk is free. You can do whatever you want with this instrument as long as You not sell it as it is or in the form of samples, instrument or any library of instruments derived from this instrument.

I am not responsible for damages, traumas, loss of profit or any other possible problems being result of the usage of this instrument library. There is completely no any warranty on antything !

By using this instrument library or samples contained within, You take all the responsibility of the issues that are connected with this usage.

If You like this instrument do not hesitate to visit my YT channels, like and/or subscribe.You can also include in your comments a link to your musical work that you have created with the use of this library. 


Darro 2017


Partagé par Darro 2017
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Origine des échantillons

Fichiers (, 12.79 Mo)

Darro 2017 duduk sfz


  • Gi
    Hi, i have Musescore 4. is it possible to use this SFZ in the program? Do you have this soundfont in sf3, sf2 or sf version?
  • Ciao Giuseppe,
    As far as I remember I did not make it in sf2,sf3 formats as I considered those formats as not really promising in comparison to SFZ. SFZ for instance supports dynamics , round robins ets. I think if you install a sforzando plugin ( ) you can use choose then sforzando in the Musescore 4.0 mixer window as an instrument and then you'll be able to play sfz.
    Spero che questa informazione risolva il tuo problema.
    In bocca al lupo.
  • SE
    Commentaire de sethia le
    Thank you for share !
  • Glad You enjoy. Have fun. Cheers
  • BO
    Commentaire de bottrop le
    not bad, if you;

    in the Global column
    1. Volume env Attack fill in; 0,002 sec (always do that in a soundfont)
    2. Filter frequency; say 1000Hrz (to filter your breath out)
    3. Volume env Release; 1 second (always do that in a soundfont, adjust it later if necesary)
    (always do that in a soundfont)
  • Thanks,
    I will apply Your advice in new version. That breath sound it is maybe also because I am still learning to play duduk. Probaby could choose better reed. This is one of my first soundfont I have made. I am doing it just for fun when I have a bit of the free time. For instance when I am unemplyed   Cheers.
  • Ya
    Commentaire de Yan le
    You are so kind to share this soundfont!
  • Hello, I am glad You like my soundfont. I cretated this and few others because I was helped too with free instruments. This is my giveaway for community.  Enjoy create your music and possibly share the link with your achivements .
    Bestr Regards
  • JI
    Commentaire de jinma99 le
    Thank you for sharing.very like it.
  • Hi, I am glad you like it. Create music and Enjoy
  • FF
    Thank you for share.
  • NP. Enjoy.
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