
Samsung Ch@t 222 (GT-E2220) Soundfont

Believe it or not, there was a time when samsung made a cell phone that had a MIDI sound system similar to the FM synthesis of Sega Genesis. I had this model when I was younger and played a lot of Java games with that sound. I researched and found out that the motherboard is called PNX4908 made by ST Electronics.

128 Instruments and 1 Percussion (CH10)

Sample Rate: 22.05KHz

80% Similar to Original


Partagé par CФИP Et SEPOHЖ
Date de mise à jour
Licence mentionner l′auteur
Norme MIDI


E2220.part1.rar (, 20.97 Mo)
E2220.part2.rar (, 20.97 Mo)
E2220.part3.rar (, 20.97 Mo)
E2220.part4.rar (, 8.14 Mo)


  • Je
    Thanks! i remember that soundfont while i was playing diamond twist on my dad's old Samsung Ch@t 222 when i was playing, sadly it was gone since 2023 btw thank you very much
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