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Hi-Hat Controller for different Hi-Hat Sounds

Catégorie : Aide
  • De 1 0
    Message de Dennio le
    I am currently building a Soundfont for an Electric-Drum that I am using with Zynthian. The choking of cymbals I can manage with groups. But when it comes to the hi-hat I have to change the sound according to the hi-hat-pedal which gives me a CC-Value on CC4.
    I have 4 states with multiple velocities. Closed, Half-Closed, Half-Open, Open.
    I would like to formulate something similar to this:

    If CC4 is between 0 - 31
    Velocity Closed is unchanged
    Velocity Half-Closed is 0
    Velocity Half-Open is 0
    Velocity Open is 0

    If CC4 is between 32 - 63
    Velocity Closed is 0
    Velocity Half-Closed is unchanged
    Velocity Half-Open is 0
    Velocity Open is 0

    If CC4 is between 64 - 95
    Velocity Closed is 0
    Velocity Half-Closed is 0
    Velocity Half-Open is unchanged
    Velocity Open is 0

    If CC4 is between 96 - 127
    Velocity Closed is 0
    Velocity Half-Closed is 0
    Velocity Half-Open is 0
    Velocity Open is unchanged

    Is there any way to do this maybe with modulators?
  • ZI 190 0
    Message de ziyametedemircan le
    I think the important feature of CC4 is that it sends aftertouch (poly-pressure) message. So after the first trigger: it is possible to make seamless transition from open HH sound to half open, half closed and full closed (and the reverse order is also true).

    For this reason, a drum module dedicated to this process is needed for the order you mentioned. So that the samples can seamlessly transition to each other while playing.

    It is not possible to do this process with modulators.

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