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Danish translation started (beta 2.0)

Catégorie : Traduction
  • 18 0
    Message de ChokDK le
    Just to info..
    It might take some time but it will be up sometime before Christmas I guess/hope
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le
    That would be a really nice addition
    Don't hesitate to stop the work at any time (I know it can long) and send the current progress. It is still good to have some percents completed.
  • 18 0
    Message de ChokDK le
    Yay okay then here we go
    P.S. The site is trying to force me to use the french language.. ?!?
  • Message de ChokDK le
    hmm seems I can't upload the *.qm file here? so I will email it for you.
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le
    You will not be able to upload directly the translation files. I prefer an email and I'll update it (I will need the .ts file not the .qm)

    The website language shouldn't change when you select one on the top right!

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