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Buffer size 16 crashes

  • Ma 8 0
    Message de Master_E le
    I had a soundfont open, changed the buffer size to 16, then played a note and went to change it back to 1024. Upon changing and hitting Close the program crashed. It now crashes any time I try to change it back to 1024 regardless of if a soundfont is loaded.

    Windows 7 x64 SP1

    And on an unrelated note, my MIDI keyboard's notes and such aren't registering on Polyphone. I seem to remember it all working properly at some point, probably on 1.7. Anyway, care to help me out on that front too?
  • Message de Master_E le
    And yes, I did try uninstalling and reinstalling Polyphone. No dice.
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le 1

    For the buffer size issue you can try to remove to configurations stored in the registry. Launch regedit.exe and remove this node: HKEY_CURRENT_USER > SOFTWARE > Polyphone

    Several components within the software have been updated with the version 1.6 of Polyphone. Maybe from that time something has been broken? I would need more details but not sure I can help. It may depend also on midi drivers.

  • Ma 8 0
    Message de Master_E le
    A registry key! Why didn't I think of that? Would a portable .ini file be possible for future builds?

    Anyway, I use Korg's USB MIDI drivers x64

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