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Polyphone wont upload MacBook

  • CJ 1 0
    Hi there, I am trying to upload Polyphone, it starts fine then the download speed keeps getting slower. It will get to about 10mb and then just stops and says the connection was lost. We have a 900 Mb per second upload and as far as I can see it does not disconnect at any point. I have just downloaded another app that was about 2 gb and that was fine so dont think it is the connection.  I have tried it on MacBook, Mac mini and a windows computer all with the same results. We are in New Zealand. Has anyone got any ideas?
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le
    Hello this should now be fixed, could you please make a try?
    Please note however that the version available for Mac OS X is possibly not for the latest version of the OS.

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