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  • La 1 0
    So, has anyone seen the instruction at (memory address) referenced memory at (memory address 2). The memory could not be written, because once you first get the error, your install of polyphone is basically broken at this point, and the bugs occur more frequently, I remember getting Viena just because polyphone kept doing this, I tried reinstalling polyphone to no avail, the only way I fixed it was resetting my computer and installing polyphone, which is honestly stupid, the error code happens in so many places, starting the program, opening a file, editing a file, clicking on something, like this program is honestly a mess... I know I don't have viruses since I have 2 anti-malware programs and don't download anything suspicious, I can't believe I even have to say this but this program honestly has a ton of issues...
  • BO 301 14
    Message de bottrop le
    i work wih Polyphone 1.9 (because my eyes are not fit enough for the modern layout) for many years. it has a few little bugs which can be avoided easily.
    i think there is a mismatch between your version and your operating system. i cant help you in that area...
    regards bottrop

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