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Time stretching sample

  • BA 38 0
    Message de batata004 le

    I have a drum loop at 100bpm. I loaded it on polyphone and assigned the root key of 60. When I press the key 60 the sound plays nicely at 100bpm. When I press the key 58 it plays at 86bpm when I press the key 62 it plays at 74 bpm. The sound quality becomes worse as I play a key further from the key 60 (I know time strething also changes pitch). So I ask you: is there any modulator/envelope/filter cutoff that I can set in Polyphone in order to improve the sound a little bit? I know I could record more samples, I could use Audacity to change time without changing pitch... But I would like to know if there is any alternative using Polyphone only?

    Thank you! This software is awesome, I've been using it in the last year and my experience playing midi improved 10x!
  • BO 300 14
    Message de bottrop le 1
    the sf2 protocol changes pitch by changeing the bitrate, so going lower you will get telephone quality, going higher you get Marsian frequenties. to keep quality in those regions you will have to use multiple samples.
    regards bottrop

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