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How to make a delay when playing a sample

  • BA 38 0
    Message de batata004 le

    I am using Polyphone and it's awesome, an incredible tool! Almost everything I needed to do, I got it! However there is one thing I cant do: delay. I have a Pad sample and I want to add a delay for it, I mean this: when I press the key on my instrument I want the sound to start playing 1 second later. This is important to me because I have a Pad with Piano and when I press the key I want the Piano sound to play right at that moment (this is already happening, of course) but I want the Pad sound to start playing 1 second later.

    When I click on the Instrument inside the Preset I see I can change things like Vol env delay (x) or Mod env delay (x) but no matter what I type in these box they have no effect. The only way I could get something to happen is when I type 100 in those inputs, then the sound takes almost 4 seconds to play and the program crashes.

    Am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance for this software!!!
  • ZI 190 0
    As far as I understand, you do this in the presets section. Many of the operations you will do there (the ones with 'x' next to them) are relative to the parameters in the Instruments section.
    In other words, if you set the preset value to 100 and the same field is available as 0.001 in the Instrument section, the result you will get will be 0.100. Likewise, if the Instrumet section has a value of 1.00, this time you will get 100.

    So I can't comment on what it is as I haven't seen the soundfont.
    The fact that the change you will make is in the Instrument section will be preferred in terms of having more control over it. If necessary, make a copy of the instrument and use it as such.
  • BO 301 14
    Message de bottrop le 1
    you cant use Delay for what you want. Delay means the time before Attack becomes active, but when you press the key, the soundfont starts playing the sample and after the Delay time you will hear the sound halfway the sample, for piano for instance you will hear the release.
    the only way to have the sound 1 second after pressing the key is inserting 1 second silence at the start of the sample, but you will have to keep the key pressed until the delay time has passed.
    regards bottrop
  • ZI 190 0
    What you say is perfectly correct when using normal (instrument) samples.
    In synthesized samples, this delay can be made.
    As an example, a soundfont is attached.
  • BA 38 0
    Message de batata004 le
    You guys are awesome, very supportive! God bless you!

    I will explain better what I need: I have a PRESET which has a PIANO and a PAD sound (I am attaching to you the PAD sound so you can try on the software what I am doing). I need that when I press the key of my keyboard that the PIANO sound starts to play right away (this already happens, of course) and the PAD sound only starts playing after 1 second BUT if I already released the key before 1 second, the PAD should not even start playing. This is very very very useful when playing in churchs using PIANO+PAD sounds on high pitch notes and with the sustain pedal pressed because sometimes I only want the PIANO to sound without PAD on short key presses when I am already pressing the sustain pedal (if the sustain pedal is not pressed this is not a problem because the PAD sound cuts right away after I press the keyboard).

    I tried changing Vol env delay (x) or Mod env delay (x) of the attached file but the delay never happens. Any idea how I can fix this my friends?
  • BO 301 14
    Message de bottrop le 1
    something like this?…vGN/view?usp=sharing 

    you should apply the delay in the Instrument (NOT in the Preset).
  • ZI 190 0
    I'm sorry, but some part of your request (due to some clauses in the soundfont and MIDI specification) is not possible to fulfill.

    While holding the Sustain-pedal, the pad-sound will definitely be active, depending on how long you hold the Sustain-pedal down (not how long you hold the key). This is internally controlled by the piano-keyboard you are using. The position and function of the Sustain-pedal cannot be interfered with from the outside.

    Reason: CC064 (Sustain Pedal on-off) is a MIDI-Function. From the moment the pedal is pressed, it accumulates and holds all the note-on command and ignores all note-off commands. When the Sustain-pedal is released, it replaces all the accumulated note-on commands with note-off. Therefore, it cannot be canceled from within the soundfont. And it cannot be used as a Modulator-source either.
  • BA 38 0
    Message de batata004 le
    Thank you, you guys replied exactly what I was looking for.

    @bottrop thank you for pointing out that I need to change the delay in the instrument, and indeed it worked!

    @ziyametedemircan thank you for telling me what I want to do is not possible! I would probably waste a few more days trying that and you saved me a lot of time and effort! I appreciate your explanation, very informative!

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