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I'm new and very stupid, how do I save

  • SE 3 0
    Message de seriously le
    I'm running Polyphone 2.3.1 on a 2022 MacBook with Monterey 12.4, but had this problem before on an older Mac as well. I have yet to successfully export anything from any version.

    I simply cannot save any changes. If I make a new soundfont, the sample will appear to load and play fine, but when I import it to MuseScore to use it, no sound plays. It doesn't matter whether I use the save button, the "save as" dialog, or the "export" dialog. If I start with a working soundfont and edit it, the changes will not be reflected in the output, even if I save it to a separate file from the original. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
  • CS 73 0
    Message de csw900 le
    Looking at your attached file - you have not set up your instrument so it can play. if the instrument is not properly set up the it will not work as a preset.
  • SE 3 0
    Message de seriously le
    Thanks, what needs to be set up and how do I do that?
    And how might this apply to the already-working soundfont I tried to make a change to?
  • BO 301 14
    Message de bottrop le
    1 open your soundfont
    2 rightclick your sample
    3 Bind to.... your Instrument (Doorbell)
    4 select your Instrument (Doorbell)
    5 in the column of your sample set the Root key (NOT in the Global column, Global affects ALL samples)
    6 select your Instrument (Doorbell) > Bind to... your Preset
    7 Save
    8 regards
    9 P.S. at Instrument level set a few milliseconds Vol Env Attack and one second Vol Env Release
  • SE 3 0
    Message de seriously le
    Finally worked, thank you!!

    Any ideas why I couldn't change an already working soundfont? I was just trying to enable looping on a sample ("dog", which seems to have saved the loop range information I set, but still doesn't actually reflect in playback).
  • BO 301 14
    Message de bottrop le
    i dont see any settings in your soundfont exept a few Tuning (semitones) settings.
    maybe because i use an old version (1.9) i cant see a thing in the newer versions, they are designed for telephone people and i have PC eyes and fingers.
    look at this Doggy;
    all Instruments should look like this, of course with different settings.
  • CS 73 0
    Message de csw900 le
    In your "dog instrument" you need to add the appropriate graphic symbol for the type of looping you require. This must be added to the "Loop Playback" column of the instrument.

    I added this and the loop plays correctly.

    Also looking at some of your other samples - at least one of them is severely clipped - this will also give you problems.


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