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Polyphone & Ubuntu Studio 20.04?

  • TT 2 0
    Message de Torbjörn Törnqvist le

    Any chance to get an update of the Polyphone app on Ubuntu Studio 20.04. I can't get it to install. Missing some stuff and when I try to install them, they don't.
  • PZ 2 0
    Message de Peter Zenk le
    I managed to download the sources and compile the code in Ubuntu Studio 20.04 just some hours ago

    Had to download a number of libs and tweak the file a little bit, but hey, now it runs fine.
    Just don't know how to create a deb package from it to be able to install it the "official" way
  • TT 2 0
    Message de Torbjörn Törnqvist le

    Do you remember what libs you needed? Can you give some info on what you did on

    Thanks in adavanced
  • PZ 2 0
    Message de Peter Zenk le
    I'm really sorry, did not take notes.

    Just did by trial and error. Run into error, install lib, repeat until done. STill did not take too long
  • 14 1
    Message de mirabilos le
    I’m currently working on packaging Polyphone for Debian proper. When successful, I’ll make it also available for *buntu 20.04 LTS.
  • MB 1 0
    Message de Maxi Bosch le
    you need install librtaudio4v5 and librtmidi2v5, it is needed to install libstk-4.5.0
  • 14 1
    Message de mirabilos le 1
    My PPA  has a polyphone package for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. It’s a backport (20.04 is ooooooold…) of the one I just uploaded to Debian. It’s the only legal Polyphone binary distribution in existence and currently excludes SF3 support.

    Testing feedback is, of course, welcome.
  • CC 1 0
    Message de Carlos Capote le
    I've just compiled Polyphone 2.2.0 from an Ubuntu Studio 20.04 desktop by using this script ( The compilation took about 10 minutes. I don't have a super powerful computer, so it may be a bit faster for you.

    The script:

    1. installs dependencies,
    2. clones (downloads) the source code,
    3. compiles it.

    You'll see a lot of ugly messages during the compilation. It's normal. When it's done, it generates a polyphone binary in the polyphone/sources/bin folder.
  • 14 1
    Message de mirabilos le 1
    The benefits of a proper Debian package are many, though. No development libraries cluttering your system, clean installation and uninstallation, better integration into the system, and legal review.
  • SC 69 0
    Message de S. Christian Collins le
    Is your package vanilla 2.2 or have you incorporated some of the fixes from master?
  • 14 1
    Message de mirabilos le 2
    I’ve incorporated fixes from master: as 2.2 wouldn’t even build, I packaged a snapshot of master (plus that french guy’s PRs). I’ll update that as more bugfixes arrive.
  • SC 69 0
    Message de S. Christian Collins le 1
    Thanks! Your Polyphone package works perfectly here on KDE neon 20.04. Now I don't need to compile it manually anymore
  • 14 1
    Message de mirabilos le
    Thanks for the testing feedback; this really helps.

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