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Visual work in the sample area was impossible.

  • ZI 190 0
    Visual work in the sample area was impossible.
    Who blurred (anti-aliased) these examples?

    This is a good way to hide the most important details.

    Before that, I could find the loop areas with two or three clicks.
    Now I feel like I'm fishing in muddy waters.
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le 1
    I am the culprit!

    The waveform display needed to be reworked because it crashed the software on Mac pretty often, and probably with other OS sometimes. Loading a sample was also long.

    My goals, during this rework, was to provide :
    1) a nice view not only based on aliased MIN / MAX when you zoom out,
    2) a precise view when you zoom in.

    So for 1), for each pixel (on the X-axis) the wave is displayed based on MIN / MAX for the limits, but also based on MEAN and STANDARD DEVIATION for the solid color inside. No blur filter of course.

    For 2), the wave is displayed with antialiasing it's true, but it could not lose precision.

    I may have mistaken somewhere though.

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