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Download is not working since 1 week ago

  • Hello everybody! i have tried to download the ubuntu package and cant do it. It starts the dowload but then, a "conection error" shows on download file. I also tried to compile the git repository version, and did it, but now it doesnt start the program (should i try to execute the RELEASE folder executable?).

    Hope I can get a solution soon, beacase i really want this software.

    Thank you very much for your attention!
  • MZ 3 0
    Message de MZ le 1
    Me too
  • Hello!

    Close to 1 month I posted about the download bug. The curius thing is window version can be dowloaded, but not linux .deb versions. Hope somebody can fix this, becasue im really interested in this software.

    If some development can tell me if there will be a fix, i will hold it. If not, then i should try to find another solution.

    Thank you very much!

    Kind regards
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le
    After an update of the website the download seems to be working again (at least I've been able to download the installers). Sorry for the delay.
  • MZ 3 0
    Message de MZ le
    Sorry but I get the same error (Ubuntu installer)." />
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le
    Is it possible to test again?
  • Ja 8 0
    Message de Jan le
    I try the ubuntu version and it downloads
  • Al 1 0
    Message de Alex le
    Doesn't work on mac. Constantly dropping connection
  • MZ 3 0
    Message de MZ le
    It seems to work now (ubuntu zesty 64bit).
    But when I try to install I get the following error:" />

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