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Help with vol env parameters

  • Fr 2 0
    Message de Frank le
    I'm trying to construct a soundfont with xylophone samples but I can't find the "secret" in the volume envelope parameters to avoid an abrupt cutoff when the key is released quickly. The sound should be identical, no matter how long the key is held or how quickly it is released (i.e., like a real xylophone.)

    I've tried various values for hold, decay, sustain and release, without success.
    What am I missing or what should I be doing?

    (The attached soundfont contains only one sample, mapped to A4 only. No volume envelope parameters have been set.)

    Thanks for any suggestions!
    Sao Paulo, Brazil

    EDIT: Think I found my problem. I was making the parameter change in Global only, leaving the individual samples blank/nil. But the sample's setting apparently overrides Global, correct?
  • ZI 190 0
    Message de ziyametedemircan le
    for one-shot samples: Use the "Volume Envelope Release" parameter for the max. time of the longest sample value. (e.g.: for 2 seconds = 2.000) or more...
    attack time= -
    hold.: -
    decay: -
    release: 2.000

    Note: the release value is reduced depending on the decay time. so if you have used a decay value, you may need to extend the release value accordingly.
  • Fr 2 0
    Message de Frank le
    Thanks, Ziya. Makes sense.
  • En 1 0
    Message de Enzo le
    Hi I'm new to Polyphone, I would like to play a loop of 10 seconds on a key (60), I've create the instrument but what I would like is that when I press the button the loop start and continue to play until the end also if the button is released.
    I've set the volume envelope to 10 but the loop play for a couple of seconds and then fade out.
    Can any of you give me some advice in order to make my sound fonts works.
    Thank you very much for the help.
    Best wishes,

    ps. I attached the screen of my setting.

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