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The 2GB limit

  • 70 0
    Message de Sylvia le
    Recently, I have been working on a GM sound set for Musescore. Near the end of making the soundfont, I'm having issues. As soon as the soundfont hits 2GB, it either drops out samples (they suddenly go blank, meaning there is no sound), or the whole soundfont is unusable, as attempting to open it with Polyphone gives the error 'Corrupted File'.

    I like Polyphone, but do not want to switch to Viena to keep on going. It is important for all the sound quality to be retained, so I'm not going to reduce the file size.

    Also, I have the issue of Polyphone crashing when compressing to sf3, which is the only method I will use to make the soundfont smaller.


    Strix SoundFont
  • BO 301 14
    Message de bottrop le 1
    2 Gb tells nothing about quality. for a good sound it is better to delete the inferior samples (and monomose all samples).
    compressing to sf3(=mp3) will only make the sound worse, as these mp3files have to be decompressed, so you run one application extra.
  • 70 0
    Message de Sylvia le
    So, I decided to get Viena, and it works. Guess I'm going to keep on using Viena for soundfonts from 2-4GB. However, I like Polyphone more than Viena, so can that be something that can be fixed in Polyphone 1.10 or 2.0? Thanks!
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le 1
    You are right, the 2GB limit is not acceptable. I'll address this issue in the next version of Polyphone to come. The version will include more changes than usual so please be patient

    As a temporary fix you can maybe split the presets into several soundfonts whose sizes will be less than 2GB.

  • 70 0
    Message de Sylvia le
    I want to make a Roland SC-88Pro compatible SoundFont, therefore I can't split the soundfont into parts, as there are patches in SC-88Pro like 'piano and strings', and 'orchestra' (strings and brass), which depend on each other. Putting them together results in a soundfont above 2GB. Also, Viena only makes 2.01 (16 bit) SoundFonts, not 2.04 (24 bit), so I don't want that. I want to retain all the quality. Also, if there are more changes, will it be called '2.0' (instead of '1.10')?
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le
    Ok I understand. It will be Polyphone 2.0
  • 7 1
    Message de t9999clint le 1
    This sounds very simular to my project. The 2gb limit has effectively put a big pause button on my project for the moment, as I can't any anything else without bumping over the 2gb filesize limit.

    I'm curious to your progress on your project. You have a link to it?
    Mine is here... 
    It's GPL code at the moment, I want to change it all to CC0 but I'll have to remove some things first. Feel free to use any samples or code from it.

    I can't wait for this 2gb limit to be removed. I love Polyphone, but this has been a giant pain in my a$$
  • 70 0
    Message de Sylvia le
    So I used Viena, and I don't really like it, but it did the job. The resulting soundfont is over 3GB in size. Looking so forward to Polyphone2 removing the 2GB limit!

    I am making demo songs for my project right now, and then it will be released. (The soundfont is done, but it doesn't have complete Sc-88 or sc-88pro support yet.) My one will be Gpl-licensed as well.

    Get updates on my soundfont on my website. 

    Strix soundfont team
  • Message de Sylvia le
    Polyphone 2.0 gave me an invalid header error when I tried to open my soundfont. It only happened with the soundfont I'm working on. Another soundfont above 2GB gave me a corrupted file (pdta) error.
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le
    Is there a link somewhere so that I can download the big soundfont and test?
  • 70 0
    Message de Sylvia le
    The invalid header soundfont is not released yet, but you can download the pdta corrupted soundfont here:

    Stgiga soundfont 
  • 424 1
    Message de Davy le
    I fixed the bug but now I need to optimize a bit the interface because the soundfont is really huge and the tree is not reactive. I check this soon

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