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Samples VS Music VS copyright

  • JT 3 0
    I am a bit confused about audio and copyright. Is the legislation same in all European countries?
    I do understand that musicians protect their songs, and music do have originality so you can't pick a two second sample from a song that people recognise. But it get pretty weird if you sample an alone snare or bassdrum from song? Is that also copyrighted?

    And what about sample CD's, and the individual sample do they have originality enough to be copyrighted? I read that even a microsecond long audio wav can be copyrighted, is that really true?

    But i also found this article. It seem weird that you can copy protect an audio sample but not an algorithm you invent.

  • ZI 190 0
    These are very extreme examples.
    When you deposit your money, you can sue everyone, everything, and you can register almost everything.

    Work comfortably. If someone claims to use the sample you use, replace it with another one
    Otherwise we would not be able to make music.

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