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Violin soundfont where each string has its own patch?

  • 37 9
    Message de tahutoa le
    Like, one (or more) for the A string, E string, D, and G? I think that would be a phenomenal thing for people composing a polyphonic solo violin piece to have if they don't own a violin but want to have those unique sounds (like MEEE). I have a piece where I want a lower violin string playing a higher note in my chord stack than a higher string.

    In the meantime, I'll likely have to pitch-bend the samples of your average violin patch that switches strings at certain points on the keyboard.
  • BO 300 14
    Message de bottrop le 1
    it can be done... the easiest way would be create four violin-Instruments, one for each string and write your violin piece in separate tracks for these four instruments. i believe the philharmonia orchestra provides all notes by string, but in mp3 "quality".
    regards bottrop

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