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Getting around problems concerning large numbers of presets

Catégorie : Aide
  • YG 4 3
    Message de YG le
    Hello puppies!  You may be familiar with my HyperSound soundfont, which is supposed to sound like an old-school sound chip or something. Just now, I've released an update to the soundfont which brings Roland GS support.

    In the future, I'm planning to add support for more MIDI standards (probably even Yamaha XG) and several sound modules (like SC-88 Pro and Yamaha MU128), possibly even Soundfont MIDI Player Android's exclusive instruments. However, there are 2 problems I'll most likely (if not certainly) face:
    • Lack of Bank Select MSB support for the soundfont technology. Soundfonts support only Bank Select LSB, and thus, only 129 different banks, each containing up to 128 presets. This allows for up to 16,512 different patches, of which 16,384 are melodic (banks 0-127) and 128 are drumsets (bank 128). However, not only does the lack of Bank Select MSB support make it harder to make a soundfont that complies to a certain MIDI standard perfectly, it also leads to the preset conflict problem. Speaking of which...
    • Preset conflicts. One MIDI standard may define one instrument on one preset and bank, while another MIDI standard may define a completely different sound on the same preset and bank. Here's a great example: Soundfont MIDI Player Android defines an instrument at 008:119 (bank 8 preset 119) called "Crash Cymbal," whereas the SC-88 defines "Reverse Snare" in the same place. I might have to move conflicting samples to different places, which can make support for a certain MIDI standard only partial.
    Can anybody give me some hints? Thanks in advance! <3
  • BO 303 14
    Message de bottrop le
    is 16K instruments not enough for you?
    bank 8 preset 119 is for a melodic preset, crash cymbal belongs to 1 key in a drum set.
    there is only 1 midi standard (like the word standard tells you)
    regards bottrop
  • YG 4 3
    Message de YG le
    bottrop, le -
    is 16K instruments not enough for you?
    bank 8 preset 119 is for a melodic preset, crash cymbal belongs to 1 key in a drum set.
    there is only 1 midi standard (like the word standard tells you)
    regards bottrop
    It looks like you didn't get what I mean. Soundfont MIDI Player Android has an melodic instrument at 008:119 named "Crash Cymbal," which is similar to how there's a melodic instrument for a tom drum at 000:118 (bank 0 preset 118) in General MIDI. I'm aware of the fact that both crash cymbals and tom drums are included in General MIDI's percussion kit.

    Plus, there's actually more than one MIDI standard. Those are General MIDI, Roland GS, Yamaha XG, etc. I'm just trying to achieve compatibility with all of those I know, full or partial. Probably you've understood the term "MIDI standard" as MIDI itself.

    Hopefully that'll let you understand better. Sorry for any possible inconveniences

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