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WAV file playing flat

Catégorie : Aide
  • Et 1 0
    Message de Ethanasay4 le
    I am currently trying to create a soundfont for Malmark handbells, as the only free ones available are slightly broken or sound bad.

    I have recorded my .wav files in Logic Pro, exported them, and imported them to Polyphone. Once in Polyphone the samples play over a semitone flat and I can not get them to play at pitch on the root key they should be playing on.

    For example, the C4 bell, when imported, plays a B3 at -49 centz, even when rerouted to the C4 key on the piano. 

    Is there something I am doing wrong?
    With there being a planned 324 .wav files in the final soundfont I dont have the time to individually adjust the tuning on every one. 

  • BO 301 14
    Message de bottrop le
    for C4 (middle C) assign Rootkey: 60
    Tuning with semi-tones and cents
    if all samples are the same interval out of tune, you can use the Global column.
    regards bottrop

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