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Turn off note number keyboard following

Catégorie : Aide
  • KW 2 0
    Message de Kevin Wood le
    We have a probably rather niche use of an SF2 sound library in a fully immersive training system whereby the SF2 provides all the sounds that make up the acoustic environment of the simulated device. On older AKAI sampler based systems we were able to turn off the keyboard follow setting that allowed us to have one instrument and maybe 20 sounds and they would play back in their unaltered form regardless of what note number they were assigned to i.e. if it was spoken work it sounds the same at note number 21 as it does at 127. Is there a way in an SF2 file to turn off this keyboard following feature?
  • BO 301 14
    Message de bottrop le 1
    in Instrument view you set Tuning (scale) to zero
    regards bottrop
  • KW 2 0
    Message de Kevin Wood le
    Thanks, that worked a treat.

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