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How to do legato?

Catégorie : Aide
  • Jo 2 0
    Message de Josep le
    I want to link notes without their attack sounding. It's possible? I have created a soundfont and exported it to musescore. If the notes are articulated it works well, however legato, slurs, trills,... do not work because it articulates the notes
  • BO 301 14
    Message de bottrop le
    that is a Musescore problem, they use the worst synthesizer available in the world in an attempt to protect their MuseSounds.
    regards bottrop
  • Jo 2 0
    Message de Josep le
    Thanks bottrop.
    I can't find any information about it. I know there are many entries and maybe what I asked is already there, but the forum search engine doesn't work for me.
    From a note I created a soundfont. I have expanded the range and looped it for the duration of the note. I don't know how programming modulators works and if I should do it from there. The idea is to do legato without providing another audio sample. It's possible?

    PD: I don't speak English. Sorry for my English
  • BO 301 14
    Message de bottrop le 1
    in the Instrument view you set
    Vol env Attack something between 0,080 and 1 second for your sample
    Vol env Release 1 to 2 seconds
    just try till it is to your taste

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