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Disable pitchbend?

Catégorie : Aide
  • AM 3 0
    Message de Andrew Mowry le
    I'd like to create a SoundFont where pitchbend is allowed for some notes but not others. Is that possible? I haven't seen a way (within a SoundFont) to prevent SoundFont players from applying pitchbend.

    My reason for wanting to do this: I have a bagpipes SoundFont where the melody (chanter) notes need to have pitchbend, but I don't want any pitchbend applied to accompanying drones notes. On theory I should be able to send the drones notes over a different MIDI channel and only apply pitchbend to the melody channel, but most SoundFont players seem to apply pitchbend to all currently playing notes regardless of the channel of the notes and pitchbend messages (I believe this is actually contrary to the MIDI protocol).
  • BO 301 14
    Message de bottrop le
    i have no bagpipe samples so i used trombone samples.
    in Instrument window add pitchbend settings in the column of the desired samples only…9E6/view?usp=sharing 

    regards bottrop
  • AM 3 0
    Message de Andrew Mowry le
    Thanks! Unfortunately the SoundFont players I'm using still seem to apply pitchbend to all the notes. I might not have been clear, but I'm hoping there's a way to make SoundFont players ignore received MIDI pitchbend messages. The SoundFont players I'm using are SForZando and the SoundFonts iOS app. They still seem to apply received pitchbend to any and all notes that are currently playing.
  • BO 301 14
    Message de bottrop le
    i am not familiar with Soundfonts iOS app, but Sforzando is definitively the WORST soundfont player in the world (corrupts Sf2's when converting to that stupid .aria format).
    i use Coolsoft VirtualMidiSynth, maybe there is a version for your system.
  • AM 3 0
    Message de Andrew Mowry le
    Okay thanks! I manufacture a MIDI controller and I recommend SForzando to my customers because it is standalone and very easy to set up (many of my customers don't have any experience with MIDI or digital audio in general). Is there a better standalone SoundFont player that is available for Windows and Mac that you could recommend?
  • BO 301 14
    Message de bottrop le
    in my ancient Midi controller (Windows Cakewalk Home Studio 2004) i use my SoundBlaster card and Coolsoft Virtual MidiSynth.
    i have no use for a standalone Soundfont Player, so i cant recommend any.
    you can play soundfonts in Polyphone if you just want to hear what is in it.
    you could search the web for what you are seeking.

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