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Add SFZ opcodes

  • Mi 11 0
    Message de MigmaPlay le
    I have some SFZ instruments that have round robin samples that I would like to edit with Polyphone. Polyphone can load and edit SFZ files, but features that are not supported by sf2 will be lost, including round robin. So, would it be possible to bring the SFZ opcodes into Polyphone with an update, so that the full potential of SFZ can be used?
    Many thanks!
  • BO 300 14
    Message de bottrop le
    to edit .sf2's you use an .sf2 editor
    to edit .sfz's you use an .sfz editor 

    regards bottrop
  • Mi 11 0
    Message de MigmaPlay le
    Thanks for your message, but it would be great to be able to edit SFZ opcodes in Polyphone as well, especially since there isn't a decent or up-to-date SFZ editor either. I know you could edit the SFZ as a text file, but it's just better and faster with Polyphone.

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